With regard to Judith’s portrait of me on Work of Art, I was never offended by it at all.  I have no idea how they pull this stuff together 😉 What I actually said was,  “I can understand how she would get that from me upon first impression, but if you get to know me I’m really quite insecure…” or something to that extent. The only criticism I had of her work was that it was simply a literal one-liner. Regardless, I knew she didn’t mean it offensively, and I didn’t take it offensively.

  1. he
    June 17, 2010 -

    you are gorgeous!! love your work...best of luck on the show come follow the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let He know what you think fashionbyhe.blogspot.com

  2. June 24, 2010 -

    Hi, I'm one of Judith's friends from art school. I think that phrase is very poetic, and you should get creative control of it. Get a jump on marketing, and copyright it; could come in useful someday. David

  3. tee
    June 30, 2010 -

    i think your work is AMAZING...